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TGCOfficeAfter the successful completion of decorating the twins nursery, it’s time to tackle another room in the house. This room is where I spend the majority of time working, the office, or as I like to call it The Grey Office. It’s also the same space my team and I meet on a weekly basis to brainstorm ideas and test various theories for social media.

Before I started decorating my twins nursery, I always thought putting together a room was a daunting task. That’s why most of the rooms in my home only have two-to-three pieces of furniture. While I was putting the nursery together, I found decorating the room to be fun. It was wonderful to get in touch with my creative side, kind of the same reason why I love sharing my creative content on social media. But enough of that, let’s get to the fun part!

Ever since I started working on my office, I have been a busy bee on Pinterest. You can check out the board directly right here. One thing you will notice, I was constantly drawn to leather sofas with a slim profile and industrial form. Another point I was drawn to, I kept pinning rooms that had contrasting walls – especially a combination of dark and light colours, in my case grey and white.


Because this is a space where I want my team to feel open and free to share their creative spirit, I want the room to feel inspirational where we can bring together some amazing content to life. To do so, we need to have an open space and a large coffee table where we can work on and brainstorm over various projects.  OfficeGrey02

If you follow me on my social media account, you know I get a lot of packages from various brands and companies on a daily basis. One thing I am never short of is boxes. I have a collection of boxes I keep from various companies in a wide variety of shapes and colours. One thing I don’t have enough of us storage! I need a place where I can store products for various projects I am working on (and some I keep because they make great props for photography). So having a cabinet system or a trunk is ideal for helping my team stay organized and at the same time keep our space neat and clutter free.

The last thing the space needs is some elements that will inspire and motivate us, and at the same time keep us relaxed. Having some greenery is a great way to add a touch of warmth to the room, plus opens up the space to positive energy. Now I didn’t inherit my mother’s green thumb (the woman is a genius in growing over 15 different types of roses for the last +20 years among other things), so a faux plant will have to do. Best part, I don’t have to worry about funky critters making a home for themselves in there AND I don’t have to worry about any of the logistics you’d need to care about a real plant – where to place it, sun/shade ration, watering it. Plus with the trend of everyone getting faux plants to brighten up a space, you can get nab them at a steal anywhere! Oh, and a bar cart wouldn’t hurt so we can keep our office stocked up with a variety of hydrating and electrolytic drinks to keep us going.OfficeGrey03

And that’s it! Here are a few items that are on my list of must-haves  (I’ve already purchased 4 items) …and a few that I didn’t add because hey, I want the final reveal to be a big surprise for y’all. Okay, I’ll give you one hint….I’m also coveting this gorgeous rug.GreyOfficeInspo01

Light Fixture | Sofa | Book | Accent Table | Pouf | Plant | Accent Chair | Drawers | Gramaphone | Paper Bag | Office Chair


  1. April 13, 2018 / 6:05 am

    Gorgeous decor! Loving the mix of modern and minimalist style, with earthy elements. Potted plants are indeed a must for rooms like this.

    Jessica | notjessfashion.com

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